If we are all honest with ourselves, there are many voices in our head that “speak” to us throughout our day. It was a true revelation for me when I realized that not only do all of these voices NOT speak the truth (what? Everything I think isn’t true?!), I could choose which voice to listen to and that that choice ultimately created my reality. It really is very simple. Where your thoughts go, energy flows so all you have to do is choose to follow the inner voices that support you in evolving to your best self. Oh, that’s all you say? Well, simple doesn’t always mean easy. In order to choose the inner voices you wish to follow to manifest your reality, you first must become aware of the different voices you are hearing and when they are arising.
Let’s start with your inner self-critic. When I was in massage school, someone called this voice my “itty-bitty-shitty-committee!” This made me laugh and has stuck with me ever since as a way to refer to my inner self-critic. This is the voice that pipes up to tell you that you’re not really good at yoga because you don’t do it everyday and you can’t fold yourself into unimaginable pretzel-like poses. This is the voice that shames you when you eat that extra cookie (or those 8 extra cookies) and tells you that you are bad at taking care of your body and asks you why you can’t just figure this out already? This is the voice that questions whether you look as good as that girl you saw on Instagram in the new dress you just got. Blah, blah, blah. For so many of us, our itty-bitty-shitty-committee has been employed as a full-time voice in our head leading us to doubt ourselves at best and to loath ourselves at worst. So, it’s time to tell that little committee “you’re fired!”