Cultivate, Restore, and Practice with Deanna
Come meet this never-boring, middle-aged, wisdom-haver who has hard-earned skills to help illuminate your way to lasting wellbeing 👇

Boring is super lame-o but middle-age for me is sure not that and I can’t wait to share my enthusiasm, hard-earned wisdom and skills, and good vibes with you on your journey!
My name is Deanna and one of my superpowers is relating to people in a down-to-Earth way because guess what? I’ve been where you are, too. I’ve been in that place where life always felt hard, I was stressed all the time, deep sleep was like a long-lost friend, and my ways of coping with it all weren’t really helping me in the long run (you know that moment when you realize the nightly glass of wine turned into a few glasses and then you feel like crap on many levels the next day??).
Unhealthy habits, lack of boundaries, unhealed trauma, and a “I can save everyone” mentality brought me to my knees with burnout after 20 years as a public educator/administrator for kiddos with special needs (you really can’t pour from an empty cup…cliche but true).
48 years of life on this planet as a mother, 2x wife, public educator, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, yogi, and licensed massage therapist has garnered me unique skills to empower you on your journey so that you don’t burnout AND you have the proper tools that work for YOU for those ups and downs that life will surely bring.
My biggest learn has been that life just feels easier and more simple when I feel good and when I have tools that I know work for me to help me when I don’t (yep, even with extensive training for wellbeing, I have days when I don’t feel good…still human over here!).
One of the biggest keys to wellbeing is finding YOUR middle path because extremes aren’t sustainable and we all have our unique path and needs (yep, you can still have those cookies and watch your favorite show on Netflix…this life is here to enjoy!).
If you’ve read this far, you may be one of my peeps so reach out and let’s connect to see how we can walk the middle path of wellbeing together (maybe while chasing down the ice cream truck, too!).
Fancy Papers that I’ve Earned in this Lifetime So Far:
- Massage License #LA9248 (state of Louisiana)
- Usui Reiki Master Teacher Certification
- Hridaya Yoga (Mexico), Module 1 Intensive
- Certified Spiritual Life Coach
- Master of Arts Degree (Special Education), Chapman University
- Bachelor of Arts Degree (Liberal Studies), California State University Hayward
- Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential (California)
- Multiple Subject Credential (California)
- Administrative Services Credential (California)
Are you ready to FEEL EMPOWERED to live your life from a grounded place of PEACE no matter what life brings?

Virtual and In-Person Services to Help You Discover the Simplicity of Lasting Wellbeing and to Prevent Burnout so YOU Can THRIVE (because who wants to just go through the motions of life?)
Calm Spirit Wellbeing offers in-person services in Portland, Jamaica and virtual services that are available worldwide. It may be possible to have in-person services at another location in Jamaica so please just ask and let’s see what we can work out!
In-person services include: individual bodywork sessions (therapeutic massage, energy healing), First Degree Usui Ryoho Reiki certification, individual and group yoga/meditation, and wellbeing workshops.
Virtual services include: 1:1 Empowerment Mentoring (coming January 2024), monthly full moon group distance Reiki session, guided meditation/breathwork session, energy healing session, private yoga/meditation session, First Degree Usui Ryoho Reiki certification, bespoke wellbeing classes/workshops (let me know what you need and let’s create it!).