Simple, Mindful Living for Wellbeing
Articles by Deanna Thomas, MA, LMT, RMT to inform and inspire. Interested in learning more about something and don't see it here? Contact me with your ideas!

3 Steps to Firing Your Inner Self-Critic Once and For All
That voice in your head that criticizes and judges you needs to go! Read this article to discover 3 simple steps to freeing yourself from your inner critic once and for all. You’ll be glad you did!

6 Ways to Make Meditation Simple
Meditation can feel daunting and overwhelming, especially if you are used to always being on the go. Read this article if you are looking for ways to make meditation simple and enjoyable!

The Ultimate Guide to Burnout
Burnout is a global crisis that requires a strategic and mindful approach at both the organizational and individual levels to address.
This guide provides an in-depth look at burnout: what it is, how to recognize it, how to prevent it, and how to recover from it.

Why Do Most Of Us Find It Difficult To Love And Accept Ourselves Just As We Are?
Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder? How has society’s expectations for beauty affected us?

Anyone Can Be a Teacher on Our Journey if We Allow Them to Be…Especially Animals
Everyone that we encounter on our life’s journey has something to teach us if we simply allow ourselves to be open to learn from them. Animals are no exception and they can be our greatest of teachers.

Do We Really Need Another Gadget to Help Us Get Well, Be Well, and Stay Well?
The wellness industry is chock full of gadgets designed to help us be well but are these gadgets really necessary? Are we making wellbeing more complex than it needs to be?

3 Steps I took to Simplify My Life so I could Move to Jamaica
In 2018 I let go of the hustle culture, took an early retirement, and moved to Jamaica. Read this article to find out three things I did to simplify my life to support this big move.

Making Friends with Your Mind: The Mind is NOT Your Enemy
Our mind is a tool that we can use to help us but more often than not, we are a slave to the mind and we create huge suffering for ourselves. Read this article to learn how and why it’s better to make friends with your mind.

START HERE! The “WHY” of the Simple, Mindful Living for Wellbeing Blog
If you’re new to the Simple, Mindful Living for Wellbeing blog, start here to find out what this blog is all about!
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- calmspiritwellbeing@gmail.com